Tuesday, June 7, 2011

E3 Coverage - Ubisoft Press Conference

Hey folks, I know it's a bit late, but I'm going to get you everything from Ubisoft and Sony's press cons out this morning!  We're starting off with Ubisoft.

Ubisoft is celebrating 25 years in gaming, and their press conference was filled with some pretty corny "flashbacks."  In spite of the bad jokes, it was still a good show, though.  They kicked things off with Rayman Origins:

Then, after some corny gamer pick up lines they presented Driver San Francisco:

And the SURPRISE OF THE SHOW:  FarCry 3.

Then they showed us the irreverent Brothers in Arms: Furious 4:

Adventures of TinTin The Unicorn:

and the incredible looking Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Solder

Announced along with the trailer is that the game will include a totally customizable weapons system dubbed "gunsmith" and the launch of a totally free companion FPS Ghost Recon Online.  If you're interested you should head on over to Ubisoft's website to sign up for the open beta right now.

Track mania 2 was next:

Followed by this totally hilarious looking party game only for Kinect, Raving Rabbits: Alive and Kicking:

Just Dance 3 is coming to all platforms, and they touched on Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2.  Then they showed us Rocksmith, which is essentially Guitar Hero with a real guitar:

And finally, what we had all been waiting for; Assassin's Creed: Revelations.

I hope you're all enjoying the E3 coverage so far.  Sony is up next and it is MASSIVE so please be patient with me.

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